Yes, This Is What I Want.


Hello everyone, and welcome back to anther blog article! How are you doing today? I hope you're good.

Anyway, this article is actually more of a letter... To those who repeatedly ask if I'm sure if wrestling is something I want to do, or constantly doubt that I can become a wrestler, to those that say that I'm not good enough to become a wrestler, and to those who say that in the end, wrestling may be something that I don't want to do after all.

So, let me start this off by saying that I've been watching wrestling ever since I was a baby, 15 - nearly 16 - full years, I promise I know how hard and dangerous the wrestling business is, but that's the price I want to pay for the possibility of saving millions of peoples lives, even if it's just one life I save then it's better than nothing
It means a lot to me, wrestling, and I've known ever since I was 6 (the first two years I was questioning whether I did want to) that I've always wanted to become a wrestler, no matter what others say. Every day I watch wrestling and wrestlers and know what hardships they go through, the pain and pleasure they go through, how much it costs, I understand all that, and they keep on doing it. They are inspirations to a lot of people,they save a lot of lives and make a lot of people happy, at the expense of their own mind, body, and soul. They have little regard for their own body, I'm ready for that, it's what I want
I know that wrestling isn't just an "Oh look two days a week at my new job" thing, it's constant, hard work, every single day. It's missing sleep so you n catch a flight or wrestle in front of a crowd or sign autographs, do interviews, all to make peoples days. It's about getting countless injuries and still being able to go "No, I'm fine" and push on through that injury right to the net match, it's about showing your emotions in complex yet simple ways, it's about finding different ways to show your love and keeping how dedicated you are, it's about finding different ways to hurt someone whilst finding ways to keep you and them safe whilst doing it, it's about taking care of your body, showing kindness and compassion, it's about playing with peoples emotions in a good way so that they can feel something good in the strangest ways and get away from whatever's bugging them for at least a while, it's about having fun and enjoying yourself, it's about others having fun too, it's about fitness safety, pain, love, hatred, fun, all emotions like those, and most especially passion
So, if it keeps someone alive, I'm ready and willing to do it. I know that there are a million other ways to do so and that not everyone loves wrestling, I know that to most this is a stupid way of doing things, I know that to most I can't handle the physical and emotional pain,, but so long as the people I love stand by me and support me then my passion will forever burn bright, and even f I have to stand alone in doing this at any given time, then it will still burn, in fact it'll burn brighter than ever before to show people that I can do this, and that nothing will hold me back
My passion for wrestling is what will keep me moving towards being a wrestler and I will never stop

So yes, I know the things I love the most may be lost to me,, family or friends, drawing, dancing, everything. Yes, I know how hard and dangerous it can be and is.

And yes, I am willing to make that sacrifice.

Thank you for listening
~ Yours truly, Ammy.

Pics from the net :)