Day 7


30 Day Wrestling Challenge

Day 7

Favourite Stable

Hey hey hey everyone, how's it going? I hope you're doing good. Anyway, I realised that I never finished doing the 30 Day Wrestling Challenge so I'm going to complete it all tonight (Hopefully), starting again where I left off which was Day 7.

For day 7, you have to pick your favourite stable, and I already had this one in mind long before I started typing this. My favourite stable is, and always will be The Shield. Now, I can't say that I watched The Shield in NXT before they were The Shield, because I'd be lying. No, the first time I had ever heard of Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose was when they made their main roster debut at Survivor Series in around about 2012 if I remember correctly. I watched them wrestle that night as a team and I was intrigued by the way they went about things and the way they got along despite all their differences, but the differences didn't really matter at the time because all I knew was that they were unique, and I liked them.

I continued to watch them grow together, help each other through hard times, beat the crap out of people, all whilst their bond grew seemingly stronger. I knew that there was something different about these guys, and so I would always tune in to Raw and Smackdown to see if they were on.
 Don't get me wrong, I'd still watch on both Monday night and Friday night, but they were the main ones I wanted to see because their feuds were just so interesting that I couldn't help but want to see more.

What makes it even better, is the people they were feuding against. No matter who they were in the ring with, they just seemed to make it work through thick and thin, they'd help themselves improve, and they'd also help their opponents improve even if it wasn't obvious. They were that good, whether they were heels or faces.

As you can tell, I loved their two-year run as a trio-stable, so you can probably tell that I was heartbroken when my favourite member - Seth Rollins turned on his brothers to join Evolution which didn't even technically end that feud, because sure Seth had joined them in Batistas' place, but Dean and Roman were still united as brothers and continued to fight side by side as broken part of The Shield. Well, I say broken, but they stood tall even then.

Watching Seth team with Evolution, then The Authority, and have that mini feud with Randy whilst still in the authority was heart-breaking but it also kind of helped with the shows nowadays, because if you think about it, if The Shield hadn't of broken up, they would have to find someone else to join The Authority, and that just didn't seem right because at the time they were feuding with The Shield and it just WOULDN'T be right to bring in someone that they didn't much care for, because it wouldn't be able to pull on out emotions as much, whereas creating a "brotherhood" and getting us all to care for them as brothers, then breaking them apart when we were all so emotionally invested in them - that was a great move because in a way it would portray Seth as the little brother who thought it would be a good idea to join the other side because he thought that it would get him further and that staying with his brothers would hold him back more.

It fits into what his character was very well because it felt like he was always the most goofy one of The Shield, Dean was always the "I hate you" but secretly still loves him and won't let his pride get in the way and Roman is the mature brother that keeps them together. So technically, breaking them apart could also put them back together after 3 years, Seth finally comes to realise and admit that he was wrong (Hence the most recent feud with Triple H), and try to get his brothers to accept him back into their lives slowly because he regrets what he did, which is kind of what WWE have been teasing for a while as now that there are different things going on in the WWE (Such as New Day, Bullet Club, The Wyatt Family still which could be a great feud if it happens again) that there's so much opportunity for them to come back strong and kick ass because they learned how to forgive and forget so it could be a storyline that's gone on for about 5 years and is still running. They could come back as the badasses they were together and take over the WWE like they did.

But maybe that's just wishful thinking.

Anyway, I love The Shield because of everything about them.

So for day 7, it's The Shield.

Image result for the shield wwe ghost mask

That's all,, I hope you enjoyed, good day and goodbye :)

Pics from the net :)