Interview with the lovely Ashley of IWI


Hello my dear friends, and welcome back to another blog article of mine. How are you all doing today? I hope you're good!

Anyway, my last article was an interview with an up-and-coming wrestler named Zack Zarek (Link will be at the end), so this time I had a little chat with one of my friends and I'm going to share with you the amazing interview I had with IWI, I hope you enjoy it.

Amethyst: Hello, my name's Amethyst and I'll be your interviewer for this interview. Would you care to introduce yourself? ^_^

Ashley: My name is Ashley, and I work for IWI wrestling in Minnesota

Amethyst: Nice to have us here with us today, Ashley! What is your position in IWI? :3

Ashley: I am the promoters assistant and assistant talent manager

Amethyst: Ashley: I'm feeling great right now, mom bought grapes

Amethyst: Good to hear :D Big fan of grapes, I'm guessing? ^_^

Ashley: Oh yes, I love them, but not raisins or grape juice
Ashley: They make great projectiles

Amethyst: Oh, my gosh 😂 I'm sure they do ^_^ So, how about we start off by you telling us a bit about your job, what's it like to be the promoters assistant and assistant talent manager?

Ashley: Basically I do whatever the promoter (Brian) asks me to do, and I make sure the wrestlers are where they need to be and doing their part to make sure the show goes smoothly, I also help set up the ring, and I do any needed or requested research on possible talent to bring in.

Amethyst: That sounds like a lot of fun :D Does it ever get hard to handle?

Ashley: Not really, I enjoy what I do, and the people I work with are amazing, I can always count on some of the newer guys to help me out if I need them, or even if I don't

Amethyst: Awh, so you're all one big family in a sense? ^_^

Ashley: Oh yes, I like to say I have 20 brothers

Amethyst: Aw, that's adorable :) So what exactly is IWI, and what does IWI stand for?

Ashley: IWI is an independent wrestling promotion in St. Paul, Minnesota, IWI stands for Independent Wrestling International

AmethystThat sounds amazing :D So, you said you're assistant talent manager, do you also get to book wrestlers sometimes?

Ashley: I do suggest that certain wrestlers be brought in, but all final decisions are made by Brian

AmethystOf course ^_^ Is it hard to tell which wrestlers should be booked, and keeping the fans coming back for more?

Ashley: Sometimes, we have a very small working budget right now as we are going through financial difficulties. But we draw a fairly decent crowd since we use storylines that keeps the crowd coming back

AmethystWhich makes sense and I'm glad the fans enjoy IWI ^_^ How long has IWI existed for if you don't mind me asking?

Ashley: I believe about 5 years, don't quote me on that lol, I'll check with Brian as soon as I can on that

Amethyst: Haha alright, sounds good :D What inspired Brian to create IWI, do you think?

Ashley: He has a strong passion for wrestling and the business, and care's about the future wrestlers, many of whom he books on his shows

Amethyst: That's beautiful :') So, by the sounds of it, I'm guessing you love your job?

Ashley: I do, I don't get paid, by my choice, but I don't do it for money, I do it because I love the industry and love being around the men and women I get to work with

Amethyst: That's amazing <3 Anyway, I'm out of questions to ask, so is there anything else you would like to say, or add on, or are there any questions you would like to ask?

Ashley: Not that I can think of off hand right no

Ashley: Do you want the IWI logo?

Amethyst: Ooooh yes, please! Didn't think of that :) Also any information for future shows if you can please, for those that are interested? Thank you if you can xD


Amethyst: That is really beautiful ^_^

Here is the flier for this weekend's show

Ashley: Ian is the promoter, his real name is Brian

Amethyst: Thank you, much appreciated ^_^ Noted :D Anything else? ^_^

Ashley: Lore may look scary but he's really a teddy bear? I don't know lol

Amethyst: Haha, aw :D Well I guess that's it then xD I thank you for your time, it's much appreciated, and we all wish you and IWI the best for the future ^_^

Ashley: That is really beautiful ^_^ Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Amethyst: That is really beautiful ^_^ No problem, it was an honor ^_^

Interview With Zack Zarek

Pics from the net :)