New Challenge?! I Accept!

Hello my fellow Aquarians and welcome to another article :) So, recently, me and a few other friends like #JMBlogs, MaxMF Blog ((go check them out please! :D :3 :P)) and more have been doing a 30 Day Wrestling Challenge ((30DWC they say, for short :) )) and since I'm on day three i've decided to post them here as well, starting from day 1 :) So, here goes :)

tongue emoticon Goodbye :)goo
emoticonsmile emoticon:), he was funny, his attitude was great. He was my favourite wrestler growing up, he may not wrestle now, but he still IS my favourite wrestler, and he may always be. I'm out of words now so yeah, this is the end of this one. Tomorrow I will be doing my favourite female wrestler, so if you're interested in reading that then good luck waiting :P goodbye :) tongue emoticon Goodbye :)gooemoticonDay 1, 30 Day Wrestling Challenge

Favourite Wrestler growing up?

Well, I must admit, this was a hard one to choose, and it's only day one! But, I had a think about it, and finally managed to narrow it down to one. Stone Cold Steve Austin.

As a kid, Stone Cold Steve Austin ((SCSA for short as his jacket says)) is one of the few I remember watching growing up. I bet you're wondering why I chose him for today. It's simple, really. As a kid, I loved watching him wrestle, and I still do. I loved the way he rebelled against Vince Mcmahon, I loved the way he had an "I don't give a fvck" attitude, and how he would take on different people with the same attitude; I don't care what size you are or how big you are, I'm still going to try and kick your ass.
I loved how he was ((obviously)) different, and also how he treated everyone the same. I think growing up, his attitude rubbed off on me, because I can also be stupid and go "I don't care what size you are. I'm gonna kick you ass." ((Of course I always end up getting my ass kicked, but still..)). I loved how if he got his ass kicked, he would go back and try again. I have to say, I think the greatest feud he had was with Mr. Mcmahon, and his second best was with The Undertaker ((When Undertaker was in his "Badass american" stage with his motorcycle..)) Anyway, I'm not sure what to say, so.. He was a great wrestler, he's great at his podcast called The Steve Austin Show ((available on the WWE network :) )) )), he was funny, his attitude was great. He was my favourite wrestler growing up, he may not wrestle now, but he still IS my favourite wrestler, and he may always be. I'm out of words now so yeah, this is the end of this one. Tomorrow I will be doing my favourite female wrestler, so if you're interested in reading that then good luck waiting :P goodbye :)


So fuck your rules man

'Cause here comes my passion

So fuck your rules man

'Cause here comes my love
So fuck your rules man
Here comes pure energy
So fuck your rules man
'Cause here comes my fury!

Pics from the net :)