Day Two?! Already?!?!

 Day 2, 30 Day Wrestling Challenge
Favourite female wrestler
So, it's day two of the 30DWC... Today I admit was slightly hard, but I had already had mine chosen and picked out before I started this so I guess it made it very slightly easier. Today is one of my favourite days, because I love the womens division. I feel like they don't really get the right kind of attention, and a lot of people don't watch them wrestle for the right thing. I feel that quite a few people watch them, just for their boobs, and their butt, which makes me sad, because loads of people were brought up thinking that women were meant to "stay in the kitchen" and all that stereotypical stuff, which I don't believe in. I feel that people don't believe that women can wrestle just as great as men, or that women shouldn't wrestle at all, which is incorrect, women can wrestle and do anything just as great as men, as men can do anything just as great as women, gender doesn't have anything to do with anything. Which is what helped me choose today's woman... Lita. Lita is one of those females that... Prove all the stereotypes wrong, that prove that everyone is equal. I chose Lita today, because she has helped me be who I am as I write this, this very second. She is one of the main reasons that I am able to fight so strongly for everyone to be equal. I chose this specific woman today, because growing up, Lita was one of my role models... I mean, everything she did, was prodigious. Like fighting with the men for example, she wasn't afraid to just jump in if she felt she needed it. She showed that... The a lot of the people in the world are so very messed, and that it's possible to help people see in different prospectives, even if just a little. She was incredible at giving promo's, and her wrestling was fascinating, because they both showed; sure, she may have been female, but it doesn't mean she can't kick ass. I mean like look at when she was in Team Xtreme, when they had the feud with The Undertaker? She jumped in and helped, sure, she got hurt, but she still did it. She had the ability to change character, and from heel to face in the snap of your fingers, and I always was intrigued in what she said. Her wrestling was feminine, in a way, but in some ways it was tomboy-ish, and it was unique. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that she is someone I have always loved from since I could remember, she has always been the biggest female role model in my life, and she always will be. I love her for being able to change a lot of people's views on women.... And... One day, I would love to be just as great as her, I would want to be as big as an inspiration to the world as she was to me.

Pics from the net :)