Hello everyone. *Day 3*

Hello everyone! How are you? I'm back! I just wanted to say, I apologise for not posting any articles recently, I've been busy up until today. Anyway... I've missed out on 9 days of the 30 Day Wrestling Challenge, so I'll post them all today if I can, as a way to try and make it up to you. Anyway, here we go :)

30 Day Wrestling Challenge
Day 3

Favourite Male Wrestler?
Well, this one was slightly hard to choose today, but i admit it wasn't s hard as the others. After a bit of thinking, trying to choose over Kofi Kingston and Kane, I chose Kane for simple reasons. Sure, I loved Kofi Kingston as a kid, he was an amazing high-flyer, and I hoped to be great like him and Jeff Hardy one day ((I still do, if I'm being honest!)),but there's something.... Different about Kane. Ever since his WWE Debut at Badd Blood: In Your House on October 5, 1997, there was something that I seemed to like, and maybe it's how he made his Debut, or maybe his past for the storyline, but my mind wouldn't let me stop watching his matches. I like how not once has he left WWE, And I don't think he will until he gets too old to wrestle. I liked his on-screen sadistic nature, and the feuds he got put in, also when he got paired with others like maybe once or twice. For example; Kane and X Pac. Some people think that when he was paired with X Pac, it brought out a different, and a slightly softer side to him. And I agree. It showed he can be sadistic, but if you get past all that hardness and everything, that he's a kind-of softie. As he progressed in the WWE, it showed how sadistic his on-screen self really is, but thy slowly started... I guess some people would say "Taming" him, as they think it's "Best for business" I personally think they just want to try him with a new angle since it's not been done before, i mean like, please go ahead and name a time before now that they had a corporate Kane? :) also, from my view they aren't truly taming him, as he's shown many many times that deep down he can still be the big red monster :)  I think it took him a little while to get into being corporate Kane because to be fair, the majority of his career was being a big red monster, and also that corporate Kane does not fit him, but in a way it does, because i know that off-screen he's a nice guy. Think about it; why would they make Brock Lesnar beat the streak? Surely they'd want Kane to beat The Undertakers streak? They might have asked him and he may have said no, as they had an on and off feud like the hardy boyz, but it was nothing like the hardy's on/off feud. All in all, Kane is my favourite because of his loyalty to the WWE, how i can relate to his sadistic-ness even though i don't show it, and because he's all in all a great person. I hope you enjoyed today's 30DWC, and stay tuned for the next one :P

Pics from the net :)