My Passion For Wrestling ♥

So, recently I was asked a question, about why I love Lita so much, and I ((of course)) explained why. I then got told, after I had sent it, that it was a beautiful read, and that they loved my passion for her... It then got me thinking about how much I love wrestling, and how big my passion is for it... After a bit of talking to another friend, I was told "Go for it!" When I asked if I should write about why I love wrestling so much, and why my passion for it is so big, so... Here it is....
Now, I have been watching WWE for as long as I can remember, and each and every day, my passion for it has grown bigger, and made me want to wrestle for a living even more. I honestly can't remember who made me fall in love with wrestling, but I'm pretty sure it was either D-Generation-X, or The Hardy Boyz. I sadly don't have that any memories of watching WWE when it was WWF, but that doesn't mean that I don't love the WWF era as much as i do the WWE era. Like I said; I have no memories of watching wrestling when I was younger, but I know I did, and to be honest, I still go back to those days when I occasionally go onto the network and watch things like Vader vs Yokozuna, or The Rock vs Hogan, Austin vs Bret, things like that.
I admit that at first, I mainly only watched it for the story-lines, but then I started getting into the wrestling. I loved all the different moves they used, how they could grab people's attention, how in a way they still can, i loved how the ring was their canvas, and the wrestlers were the painting. It was amazing, I never really expected to find that there was a different for of art that isn't just using a pencil or a paintbrush. I loved it all, and would get so intrigued, BUT I never really noticed until the same person I was talking about earlier in the post, explained that it's not JUST the story-lines, it's not JUST about wrestling, it's also people telling a story with their bodies, and I'm glad he opened me up to that perspective of this sport. And because he's done that, it's made me realise how much more I want to wrestle.
At first, I wanted to wrestle because I thought with my wrestling, with my promo's, with everything that happens inside or for the squared circle, I could help people. I wanted to make people happy and change people's lives, I realised i could inspire them with my words, but never realised I could do it with my body, too. I felt that at first, people watched wrestling ONLY for fun, which yes they watch it for that, but not just for that. They watch it because.. It's something for them to hold onto when they need something, it's something that is their little world, but outside their little world and inside the wrestling world, they had another family.
Another reason why my passion is so big for wrestling is because... I've wanted to be a wrestler for a while now like I said above, but when I was younger I thought I had no chance. I'm ashamed to admit it, but, I struggled deeply with asthma ((I still do)), I was lazy, I was gross and was totally out of shape, also there were no wrestling schools close enough that I could go to. Now, I admit I'm still lazy and out of shape, but not as much as I was. So, because I felt I couldn't do it, and I kept getting told no to going to wrestling school, it just made me want to go more and more because I wanted to because I felt that I wanted to be like my role models, who were mainly wrestlers. Some were in bands, but that's a whole other story.
I started losing hope after a while of not being able to find a close enough and cheap enough wrestling school, and I got even more lazy. Until this year. I finally found a wrestling school close by, and one where I could earn my own money to pay with so I could learn how to wrestle. I was overjoyed to find that there was finally somewhere I could learn. So, me and my sister went to the first session, on Sunday 16'th of march. I was extremely nervous as there were people I didn't know there, and had a nervous breakdown. It's been a while since the first wrestling session, and admittedly I still get extremely nervous, but not as much as I did, because I'm now getting to know them, and they're helping me with my confidence again. During the sessions ((and after)) we all help each other, and we all get along. There's a lot of banter, but that's what's bringing us closer together. Everyone is extremely supportive of each other, and in words of another friend and of my feelings, we're becoming a family, and our training place is our hoe. They've given me hope that I can achieve my dream when I'm older, and I hope I've done the same for them.
Anyway, I've realised I've talked a lot about WWE in one of the paragraphs, but about no other promotions in this entire post. This is also due to the fact that I've only ever watched WWE since this year, yet again thanks to everyone in the Wrestling School, I've started watching other things, Indie wrestling. One of the recent things I've watched is NJPW ((New Japan Pro Wrestling, for those that don't know)) and I' glad they introduced me to it, I love that different promotions have different styles.
I've always said that I never EVER want kids, but if I ever do have any, I want them to love wrestling just as much, or maybe more than I do. I want to be able to pass down wrestling through my bloodline. Because of my role models, my passion will always bee there, and I hope that if I do have kids that love wrestling, I will be one of their role models. Because of talent around the world, because of wrestling school, my passion will always be there, and I never want it to leave, and I'll make sure it never will. Wrestling was my then, it is my now, and it will be my forever.
I just want to let you know... No matter what your dream is, no-one can take it away from you. You may feel like you'll never be able to do it, but you can. You are better than you think you are, and if it's what you love then do it. If it never happens, it's not meant to be, or you have to try harder. If it is meant to be, you'll always find your way back to it.
Anyways, I'm finished. I'm sorry for the long read and if I got off track, but this is how I feel.... I have no idea how to end this so goodbye :P
"Never walk away from a fight that's worth fighting,Never hesitate when you know you're gonna act,Never waste your words on the fool who won't listen,Never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it... back." - Endeverafter, No More Words <3

Pics from the net :)