IPW: UK Supershow 6 Experience

Hello fellow writers, readers, and humans, how are you all doing? I'm going to start this article by apologizing for not writing that much, I've just not had the will to do so, and that happens.

*Wrestlers names will be in Bold for if there's a certain match you want to know about! Also, be warned there's slight profanity in the paragraph about John Morrison and Marty Scurll*

Anyway, today I had a massive urge to write. Want to know why? Well, last night I went to my second ever IPW supershow (Number six), and I must say, it was amazing! I said to Daniel Edler (Owner and promoter of IPW) on December 19, 2016, that I'd do a blog article but ended up procrastinating so much that it didn't get done, so I decided to do an article about this one.
Before I start, for those of you who don't know what IPW is, it's a wrestling show that features current and ex-talent from WWE and has been viewed in over 20 countries in different continents across the world. If you wish to watch IPW Supershow 5 and 6, the FloSlam link will be posted at the end. (Or you could just visit Swanley for the next show, link will be at the bottom ;) )

So, let's get started. As said above, IPW made their FloSlam debut on December 18, 2016, and their live FloSlam debut on January 22, 2017, with their first supershow of the year, if I remember correctly. For the first show, the photo's that were being taken was during the interval, but where so many people wanted a photo with Matt Riddle or Cody Rhodes, the interval was too long and they ended up going overtime, forcing them to have the meet and greet at 5:15 PM, after the doors opened at 4 PM so as to not go overtime. This time, the photo's were with John Morrison (£20, to be expected), War Machine (Hanson and Ray Rowe, £10) or Matt Riddle (Also £10). I had a picture with John Morrison and Matt Riddle, and they are amazing people, Matt Riddle is an amazing person and did a great job in his match (See below), and the same goes for John Morrison too. Shame I said to Morrison (after getting him to sign my photo) out of nerves "You had a great match", not "You'll do great in your match" as I was supposed to say, then realized it and felt like an idiot, so my apologies. So, it went pretty great aside from that mess-up!

Right, onto the first match of the night. This match was Pete Dunne vs Tom Dawkins. Due to some people who haven't watched the Supershow yet or was unable to attend, I, of course, will not be spoiling anything just pointing out a few of the highlights. The first highlight that comes to mind when thinking of this match was Pete Dunne repeatedly biting Tom Dawkins, first on the foot, and then the other times his hand, and when Dawkins had finally had enough, he bit Dunne back. Not only was it entertaining to see this, it was a treat too, as it was a bonus show due to Pete not being able to show up on FloSlam (Confidential stuff with the WWE as he showed up at the UK Championship tournament, I assume). All in all, you can tell the crowd enjoyed this match, it built up the energy that was also needed for the beginning of the FloSlam live stream, both Pete Dunne and Tom Dawkins shaking hands after the match.

This moves me onto the next match, #CCK (Chris Brookes and Kid Lykos) vs Project Lucha (El Ligero and Martin Kirby) This too was an impressive match. I was expecting it to start out as a normal tag match, as I have no memory of watching #CCK fight, or El Ligero and Martin Kirby team up, so I was a little shocked when Brookes and Lykos attacked Ligero and Kirby during the end of their entrance. Now, as a person wanting to be a heel wrestler, and as a person who loves heels, I usually support the heels (Of course I don't cheer them, as they do dastardly things for a reason but I usually just find a way to support them), but this time I wanted Project Lucha to win, they had a certain energy to them that made you want to just carry on watching, regardless of whether you needed food or the toilet (I mean this as a positive, not negative!). The crowd was into this match as well, and I personally was a bit upset about who won, but happy for them nevertheless. After #CCK had left, Project Lucha was left to gather their remaining strength and was clapped on their way backstage for a good match.

The third match of the night was another singles match, Matt Riddle vs Ryan Smile, and although we were hyped up for a Riddle/Dunne match, it didn't make this match any less exciting! A funny part of the match to me was I couldn't help but notice that Matt Riddle looked like one of my friends at times! Another funny part of the match was when Riddle and Smile stood there, just trading blow after blow after blow (And yes, I'm aware that to non-wrestling fans or different kinds of wrestling fans that may not seem funny ;) ). I couldn't exactly hear what the crowd was chanting, but I'm pretty sure they were chanting "Bro!" at Matt, which got him hyped up and shifted the momentum even further in his direction which was also amazing. Despite Matt Riddle and Ryan Smile having a massive fight, they also hugged and shook hands at the end, the crowd cheering for both of them when it had finished for the show of good sportsmanship :)

The next match was the second tag match and consisted of The London Riots (James Davis and Rob Lynch) vs War Machine (Hanson and Ray Rowe), and it was an epic match. It was the longest one of that show in my opinion (positive not negative again!), and it was beautiful. One of the highlights of the show was at the very beginning when London Riots and War Machine shook hands, I was expecting it to be a friendly (for lack of a better word) handshake to say "May the best team win.", but was proven wrong - yet again - when Davis and Lynch turned around to go to their corner, but Hanson and Rowe kept hold of their hands, tight enough so that London Riots couldn't get to their respective corner. In the end, London Riots attacked them and starting the match, giving London Riots the upper hand at the beginning of the match. This match got the entire crowd even more emotionally invested in the show than they already were and at first, I was unsure of who I wanted to win, but as the match progressed it was clear I wanted Davis and Lynch to win, I liked the energy they were sending, and I loved their energy style, so I was really happy with the way this ended.

After that, it was the 10,00 Cuban Peso Challenge match, featuring Cuban Heat and Jack Sexsmith. Admittedly, this as my first time watching Jack Sexsmith in action too, and my second time watching Cuban Heat in action. I feel that this was a really enjoyable match, as Sexsmith is a funny person. He was amazing during his wrestling, and he was a fan favorite, you could easily tell, and he's being requested back at IPW: UK a lot by me and a few other fans that were there. He's also helped a lot of people come out to their family as Pansexual when they needed it, which is an amazing thing. Anyway, as said above this match was enjoyable, they are both amazing wrestlers, and it was fun to watch, up until the end where the ref was distracted and Big T Justice hit Jack over the head with the case holding the money, the ref who was distracted did not see this, so Cuban Heat managed to get the pinfall which the ref did see. Either way, we'd love to have you back at IPW: UK, Jack Sexsmith!

Now is the match I wanted to see, but feel guilty about (as you'll understand if you read the fourth paragraph) which is John Morrison vs Marty Scurll! Now, I can't say much about this match ass just after the beginning I needed to use the restroom, where I made a friend, but that doesn't mean that this match was any less awesome! Now, for the part of the match which I did see, I was hoping John Morrison would win, as he's been one of my favorites like when he was Johnny Spade, Johnny Nitro, I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at. Anyway, I still feel like a complete and utter dickhead for what I said to Morrison, so yet again my apologies and you did great! Anyway, one of the highlights of the match was when Morrison was on his knees, Scurll had one of Morrisons hands, he made the crowd quieten down, and from what I saw, Marty pulled Morrisons fingers to the side (So he had two fingers on one side, two fingers on the other and he pulled the first and middle fingers towards the thumb and the ring and pinky fingers towards the side of the hand) and all you could hear was a loud, cringe-worthy click. All in all, it was an amazing experience seeing both Scurll and Morrison fight, and I would love to go and see them wrestle again.

Now comes the title match, Amazon (IPW: UK Women's Champion) versus a new person making their IPW: UK debut, Ruby Summers. Now, the first thing I though when Ruby came out was "Wow, her hair is amazing", and then my second thought was "Wait, they both have purple in their hair, how cool!". For this match, I instantly knew I wanted Ruby to win, I respect Amazon as the IPW: UK women's champion but I really thought that Ruby would do an amazing job, but should have known that it would have been harder than expected for ruby, where Amazon is basically made of brick, a lot of my friends were shouting "You're going to need to hit her harder Ruby and as said before "Hit her harder, she's made out of brick!". This match was slightly slow-paced and Amazon had control for the majority of the match, but I was ecstatic when Summers managed to hit her harder. Now, as I said before, I wanted Ruby to win, but I should have realized that since Ruby was making her debut, they wouldn't give her the title that fast, which is pretty obvious. Either way, it was still amazing, and cannot wait to see Ruby wrestle again.

Now, onto the last match of the night, the one you've all been waiting for, the main event.... Team Sammy vs Havoc's Army! For those that don't know, Team Sammy consisted of Cieran Donnelly, Danny Duggan, Sammy Smooth and Scott Star, whereas Team Havoc consisted of Adam Maxted, Jimmy Havoc, Tenessee Honey, and Zack Sabre Jr. This was the match I had been waiting for all night, the one I was hyped up about due to what had happened on the 18'th, and could not wait to see Jimmy Havoc wrestle because he has an amazing style. Anyway, this match was an Armed Warfare match where two wrestlers start off the match, both allowed to take one weapon to the ring with them, and every 3 minutes, a new wrestler will enter, also allowed only one weapon also. Now, what surprised me about this match is that I was expecting Havoc and Smooth to enter last and fight each other, but instead Jimmy came out at No.2 and Sammy came out last, which greatly changed the course of the match, and this was the one that caused the most uproar with the crowd due to Sammy turning on his only team-mate left that hadn't been eliminated, pinned him and then laid on the mat for Havoc to pin him and be the last man standing on his team, making it a legendary match to watch in person. A funny part was where in the last show we got asked to mind our language as it's a family friendly show, but during this one some of the crowd was chanting "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy f'n Havoc", to which I responded with "Keep it PG!" and then my friend responded with "F PG!" Haha.

So, as a conclusion, this show was outstanding, breathtaking, unforgettable, I'm glad I went and am eagerly awaiting the next Rochester supershow on Sunday, March 19'th, so if you're near Rochester.... Be there! I promise you, you won't regret it.

Anyway, that's the end of this article, if you enjoyed it then let me know, and expect similar ones to come! This is Amethyst signing off, peace out and have a lovely day my friends! <3

*All Links, as promised!

IPW: UK New Talent Showcase, Swanley
IPW: UK Supershow 5 on FloSlam!

Pics from the net :)