Day 5 :)

30 Day Wrestling Challenge, Day 5
Favourite Promotion?

Hello everyone :) Welcome to Day 5 of the 30DWC. Today is... What is your favourite promotion?
This one was an easy one if I'm honest. It was easy because I've only ever watched one promotion growing up, until now, and even now I can't say a different promotion as it's too early for me to know whether I like them or not, SO, today goes to.... WWE :) ((AKA Previously WWF :D )) Like I said in one of my previous articles ((Named My Passion for Wrestling <3 or something like that )) I grew up watching WWE ((Yes it was WWE, it changed before I was born :) )) I watch some WWF stuff still, I watch WWE still ((Not as much as I should..)) And I always will. I also mainly chose WWE because it is one of my passions. Anyway, I'm not sure what to say here so I'm cutting this one short... Sorry :) Thankyou for checking this out, hope you stay for the next one :)

Pics from the net :)